Leadership – a new definition definition
The ability of a superior to influence the behavior of subordinates and persuade them
to follow a particular course of action.
Power –
Power –French and Raven (1960)
•Legitimate power –comes solely from the position the superior holds in an organization
•Reward power – comes by means of promotion, salary increases and it interesting assignments
•Expert power – comes from the leader possessing superior superior knowledge knowledge of the matter
under discussion discussion
•Referent power – comes from the fact that subordinates identify with the leader and respect him/her
•Coercive power – comes from forced actions and potential for punishment
Participative Leadership
•Involvement in decision ‐ making improves the understanding of the issues involved by those who must carry out the decisions.
•People are more committed to actions where they have involved in the relevant decision‐making
•People are less competitive competitive and more collaborative collaborative when they are working on joint goals.
•When people make decisions together, the social commitment commitment to one another another is greater greater and thus increases increases their commitment to the decision.
•Several people deciding together make better decisions than one person alone.
•In the democratic style, the leader involves the people in the decision‐making, although the process for the final decision may vary from the l deader h i avng the fi l na say to them facilitating consensus in the group.
•Democratic Democratic decision decision‐making is usually usually appreciated appreciated by the people, especially if they have been used to autocratic decisions with which they disagreed.
•Democratic style can be problematic when there are a wide range of opinions and there is no clear way of reaching an equitable equitable final decision.
Situational Leadership
Hersey's and Blanchard's classic Situational Leadership® model of management and leadership styles illustrates the ideal development of a team from immaturity (stage 1) through to maturity (stage 4) during which management an leadership style progressively develops from relatively detached task-directing (1), through the more managerially-involved stages of explanation (2) and participation (3), to the final stage of relatively detached delegation (4), at which time ideally the team is largely self-managing, and hopefully contains at least one potential management/leadership successor.
Transformational Leadership
•One of the methods methods the Transformational Transformational Leader uses to sustain motivation is in the use of ceremonies, rituals and other cultural symbolism. Small changes get big hurrahs, pumping up their significance as indicators of real progress.(CultureCreators)
•Overall, they balance their attention between action that creates progress and the mental state of their followers
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